Final Press Release - Bouvet 2016 Project - 9 May 2015
After press
release #3, I was optimistic in terms of securing the required funding for
the "one-man three-month concept" DXpedition. Thanks to so many of
you, the necessary up-front expenses were getting close to being covered by
the pledges received at that time. I was also hopeful that the larger DX associations
and foundations would step forward to contribute as we were getting close to
At this point in time, I have no other choice than to report that the funding
is not sufficient to move forward. As I am sure you know, there are a number
of large DXpeditions being arranged for late 2015 and early 2016, and they are
more or less competing for the same resources. I didn't manage to create sufficient
interest among potential external (non-ham) donors, and my one-man concept is
of course somewhat controversial by nature. Though, I am still convinced that
- even if my particular approach is not necessarily the solution - future DXpeditioning
has to find other forms in order to remain sustainable.
After having received permission for Bouvet from NPI (Norwegian Polar Institute),
my wife (!), my employer (5 months leave without pay) and getting close to the
sufficient up-front funding, this is a bitter pill to swallow. But I am extremely
grateful to all of you for having lived this dream with me. And not the least
to my angel sponsor who kept things going.
As I stated from the beginning, don't be sad, someone else will activate Bouvet!
73 - Mark - ON4WW